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Whether you’re working from home, streaming a movie, or playing online games, a slow internet speed can be incredibly frustrating. We got you; here are some steps you can take to increase the speed of your Wi-Fi and enjoy seamless connectivity.

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Why is your internet so slow?

Before we dive into ways to increase your internet speed, let’s understand why your internet might be slow. Internet speed issues can be caused by various factors, such as:

  1. Network Congestion: If many devices are connected to the same network, it can lead to congestion and slow down the internet speed for all devices.
  2. Provider’s Network Congestion: your internet provider splits the connection between several users, this can lead to congestion at certain times. SwoopFiber splits the network between fewer customers, ensuring consistently high-speed internet, regardless of network traffic or time of day.
  3. Interference: Electronic devices, walls, and other obstacles can interfere with Wi-Fi signals, reducing the speed and range of your connection.
  4. Outdated Hardware: Older routers or modems might not support high-speed internet plans, leading to slower internet speeds.
  5. Background Applications: Applications running in the background, especially those using the internet, can consume bandwidth and slow down your connection.
  6. Your Internet Plan is too Slow: It is possible that you are reaching the limit of your bandwidth. Your internet plan allows a certain amount of bandwidth, and if your devices are trying to circulate more data than what the bandwidth can handle, your connection will slow down. Learn how to test your internet speed to ensure you’re getting what your provider advertised. 
8 ways to increase your internet speed.

How to increase your internet speed? Improve Your Wi-Fi Speed with these Simple Steps

  1. Reboot your router: unplug your router from the power, and wait 30 seconds before plugging it back in. This clears the router’s memory and can give your connection a boost.
  2. Optimize Router Placement: Place your router in a central location, away from walls and electronic devices. Elevating it above ground level can also improve the signal coverage.
  3. Upgrade Your Router: Invest in a modern router that supports the latest Wi-Fi standards. Newer routers offer better speed, range, and overall performance.
  4. Choose the Right Frequency: Routers operate on two frequencies: 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. Use 5 GHz for faster speeds, especially if your device supports it. 2.4 GHz, although slower, has better range.
  5. Secure Your Wi-Fi: Password-protect your Wi-Fi to prevent unauthorized users from accessing your network, which can slow down your connection.
  6. Limit Background Applications: Close or limit applications running in the background, especially those using the internet, to free up bandwidth for essential tasks.
  7. Regular Updates: Keep your router’s firmware up-to-date. Manufacturers often release updates to improve performance and security.
  8. Consider High-Speed Internet Providers: If slow internet remains a persistent issue, consider switching to an internet providers like Swoop Fiber. With Swoop Fiber’s high-speed internet plans, you can enjoy seamless connectivity for all your online activities. Check out Swoop Fiber for high-speed internet services.


By following these tips you can significantly improve your internet speed and enjoy a smoother online experience. Don’t let slow Wi-Fi hold you back; take action today and enhance your internet connection for all your digital needs.

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Ready to be a part of Elmvale’s digital renaissance? Reach out to SwoopFiber at 1-877-SWOOP-IT, drop an email at info@swoopfiber.com, or explore more at swoopfiber.com.